Healing Crystals


At SoftDream by LauraGalasso, we believe in the power of natural stones and their healing properties.

We use these stones to create our beautiful handmade jewellery because we want to offer something unique and special that will help boost confidence and bring positive energy to the wearer.

By matching the right stone to each piece of jewellery, we ensure that the person wearing it is getting all of the benefits that come with it.

Not only do these stones have powerful healing properties, but they also look great and make for a stunning addition to any outfit!

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Peridot CrystalPeridot Jewellery

Peridot is a green color gem.

Peridot, callled the good luck stone, works on the heart chakra, boost creativity, bring prosperity, cherish your dream, protect from negative energies, psychological and emotional healing power.

Protect from nightmares and depression. Its one of the greatest stone for neutralising toxins.

Peridot is a  good health stone, help heal and regenerating cells and tissue.

Bring strenght and speed to metabolism and help the adrenal and endocrine system. This gem is used to help treat skin problems and is said to be dab hand at clearing up rashes and bringing a healthy glow back on face.

August Birthstone



 Citrine CrystalCitrine Jewellery

Citrine  a stone as bright as its energy, clear yellow quartz made of silicon dioxide.

Everything about this stone send positivity and joy. Its name, derived from the French word for lemon, carries a sense of sun and joy attached to it.

Found naturally in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, France, Scotland and USA.

Healing crystal benefit

Bring success,  prosperity, improve your life status regenerate, amplify your secret desire, remove negativity from your mind, bring light in every situation, fight depression, bring positive energies, emanate  joy.

November Birthstone




 Lapislazzuli Crystal Stone RawLapislazzuli Jewellery

Lapis Lazuli opaque semi- precious stones blue colour that aids you to find enlightenment & truth.  

The beautiful blue stone lapis lazuli has been highly prized for thousands of years.

Lapis lazuli symbolism goes back for millennia.

It was a favourite stone to the Egyptians, used for creating as scarabs and jewelry for protection, and Cleopatra even used powdered lapis as a cosmetic. 

Lapis made its way to Europe by the Middle Ages.  

Healing crystal benefit

The stone of friendship that brings harmony in relationship, activate the third eye.

Its related to the throat chakra help to unblock balance and is symbol of royalty and honour.

Protection, Career, Manifestation, Truth, Mental Clarity, Higher Mind, Memory, Dignity, Good for Leaders

Good luck stone.

December Birthstone 



Amazonite Crystals Jewellery

Amazonite is a semi opaque blue- green, called also the stone of hope.

This stone comes mostly from Brazil, Russia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and US. Ancient Egyptians have been the first to use this stone to make jewelry.

Amazonite is very beautiful and calming stone represent flow water for its light green-blue colour.

Wonderful to bring in, new prosperity to any business, great for new inspiration, balance emotion with heart and throat chakra.

Healing crystal benefit

Spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, inner peace and healing, soothes throat issues and anger, promotes great good luck in financial endeavours.

23 August-22 September Birthstone



Malachite Jewellery

Malachite- is the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants.

Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. 

Well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, for jewelry.

Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments.

Cleansing purifying, serves as a guardian of the heart, brings in healing energies to flow trough your heart chakra giving you a new sense of vitality and spiritual renewal, anti- depressant.

Wearing a malachite jewelry bring in your life optimism, positive energies and open your heart to new experiences.

20th April- 20 May Birthstone 




Tourmaline Crystal


gemstone is a semi- precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body.

It is one of only a handful of minerals that have the ability to emit negative ions and far-infrared rays.

The word tourmaline takes its origins from the Singhalese phrase "tura mali," meaning, "stone mixed with vibrant colours." From magenta to teal-blue, meadow-green to vibrant yellow, and even black, this powerful healing stone change its colour in different forms of light. There are no two tourmalines with the exact same colour, a magic stone capable of protecting whoever wore it.

Tourmaline gemstone relise stress, increase mental alertness, improve circulation and strengthen the immune system. It is a powerful agent for reducing toxin-related ailments.

Tourmaline produces a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the nervous system.

Useful aid for improving circulation, reducing stress, improving brain alertness and activating the immune system.

  • Detoxification
  • Helps aid fat loss
  • Reduces water retention
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Expels unnecessary waste
  • Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys
  • Helps heal skin disorders
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Relief from acute and chronic illnesses
  • Aids in elimination of heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies
  • Reduces lactic acids and free fatty acids

October Birthstone




Blue Lace Agate Crystal HealingBlue Lace Agate Jewellery

Blue Lace Agate has a soft, soothing elegance; like sky-blue waters released from winter's grasp. Its graceful, circular design has a stimulating, positive effect on emotions and attitude. It’s a stone of encouragement and support. Its circular flowing energy calms, uplifts and elevates.

Blue Lace Agate is a variety of banded Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family.

Its medicinal uses continued through the ancient Greek and Egyptian civilisations, and spread throughout Africa and the Middle East into Russia. 

Healing crystal benefit

Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing yin and yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe.

Blue Lace Agate, with its blue crystal energy, will open and clear the Throat Chakra,

to bring our personal truth out into the world.

We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit.

The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release.

19th February- 19th March Birthstone 




 Moonstone Rainbow CrystalsMoonstone Healing Benefit

Moonstone belongs to the large group of feldspar minerals.

In ancient Rome, moonstone was associated with the moon. It was speculated that the gem was formed from drops of moonlight.

The gemstones were believed to possess the properties traditionally associated with the moon, including legends of romance, femininity, intuition, dreams, emotion and love.

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.

Healing crystal benefit

It brings hope, increase, feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities and energies of abundance to one's life.

Moonstone is a stone of protection.

It's used during childbirth and pregnancy.


It is a stone of calm and relief from emotional stress.

June Birthstone




Garnet Crystal for JewelleryGarnet Jewelry

 The Garnet crystal meaning is rooted in ancient history and comes from the Latin word ‘granatum’, which means pomegranate, a reference to its intense red colour that resembles the glistening, deep red seeds of the fruit. 

A protective amulet against negative energy.

Possessing a special beauty all their own, the Garnet crystal stone meaning is linked with the heart chakra,

A stone that symbolises physical love and the relationship between loving partners

Healing crystal benefit

This  crystal helps us feel grounded and connected to the present moment. If you're lacking in energy, it could be energy block within the body keeping you from your natural state of joy and vitality. 

The easiest way to experience the healing properties of Garnet is to wear it as a jewlery

Garnet works to balance the mind and emotions by helping you discard outdate ways of thinking and giving way to a new path of abundance and vitality.


Meditate daily with Garnets and discover its divine energy that leads to a higher expression of love. 

January Birthstone




 Emerald stones RawEmerald Stones Jewelry

Emeralds heal both emotional love and the physical heart.

This stone has a powerful energy, strength the eyes, heart and immune system as well as the nervous system.

Considered a stone of regeneration and recovery, assisting one in healing negative emotions.

Healing crystal benefit

Emerald can lift depression, cure insomnia, detoxify blood, and cure ailments of the heart, eyes, pancreas, backbone, lymph nodes, intestines, kidneys and thymus.

In the world of spirituality, emerald strengthens your connection to the divine energies by opening your heart and mind. It represents unconditional compassion, love, and acceptance in every form

May Birthstone




     Natural Ruby Stones Healing     Ruby Stones Jewellery

Ruby is prized and loved for thousands of years. 

Many cultures in the past considered Rubies as symbols of the Sun, wore it as an amulet to resolve all disputes, for protection, increasing concentration, motivation, to bring peace, stimulate the flow of positive energy through the entire body. 

Healing crystal benefit

It is great for stimulate good blood flow.

A great stone for treating heart associated disorders and body detoxification.

Ruby crystal are associated with the love and love energy. This stone will give you the strength to deal with anger and suffering changing those negative emotions with a positive mindset. This gem will help you to overcome your past and move forward in life.

It will bring positive characteristics of your personality to surface and help you stand for yourself. It's  believed to help people see a brighter side of life and shine the light on their negative side.

This gem is considered to be a great assistant for connecting with your personal energy and energy of the Earth. It will help you restore and replenish your energy

July Birthstone




   Green Agate gem JewelryGreen Agate Healing jewellery

The Green Agate Stone is the stone of luck, beauty, harmony and fertility. This stone increases self-confidence and is a strong ally for the digestive system.

Greeks and Egyptians  believed that the green agate made its owner invisible and thus protected from lightning and thunder.

Healing crystal benefit

For the power of the green color and the mineral nature of the stone brings the balance and sense of order necessary for the transformation, strength and courage necessary for change.

The green agate is an incentive for self- confidence and self-esteem. She is able to restore her inner strength, bringing emotional balance, persuasion and recognition of the Ego. It's a stone that brings you closer to your inner self, bringing self-knowledge, expansion and personal growth.

This is also a gemstone associated with prosperity of harmony and balance in all sectors of life. Send the healing energy of the Green Ray to the cells, while rejuvenates the body and enhancesing our power of self-healing. 

The green agate sharpens the vision, enlightens the mind, grants eloquence, and assists in the discovery of treasures, increases vitality, vigor, courage, longevity, healing and protection.

September Birthstone 




 Red Agate Gem Jewelry Healing Red Agate Jewellery

It's hard not to fall in love with agates. These beautiful, colorful, and joyful gemstones are among the most versatile in the crystal world. 

The word agate was inspired by the Achates River in Sicily, Italy, where large deposits of this mineral were found during the times of Imperial Rome.  They were believed to be powerful protection amulets, shielding their wearer from the evil eye and attracting good luck.

Healing crystal benefit

Its a stone of protection against negative energies, while instilling its wearer with self- confidence and positive vibes. 

Warrior's stone, that light the fire in your heart and motivate you to pursue what you want. 

It's a great support stone for artists and writers as it helps boost creativity.  Provides workers with  patience.

Red agate is a crystal of the heart chakra, as such, this stone can be a perfect companion if you want to bring a fresh approach to your romantic relationships. 

Boost your confidence and help you to accept yourself for who you are. 

May Birthstone 

 Amethyst Healing PropertyAmethyst Faced stone


Healing crystal benefit

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.  It has strong healing and cleansing powers. 

Transform the energy into love and protect the wearer from all types of harm.

Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety.

Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes metabolism. 

It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. It destroys malignant tumours and aids in tissue regeneration. 

Cleanses the blood.  Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress.

February Birthstone  

Black Spinel Crystal


Black Spinel is a protective stone that repels negativity and grounds the user while evoking  empowerment, without overwhelming others.

Help one find calmness and let go of resentments to re-establish relationships

August Birthstone  

 Blue topaz RawBlue Topaz


Blue topaz,  generally found in three different shades: pale sky blue, cool Swiss blue, and deep London blue. The sparkling stones evoke images of the wind, sky, and water. Blue is the color of calm and quiet. This beautiful stone, associated with wisdom, communication and alleviates fear and worries inviting you to embrace your noble self, trust your power, and find your own kind of good fortune.

Promote truth and forgiveness, relax the spirit as well as the body.

Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where  needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. a stone of love and good fortune.

December Birthstone   




Pearls are silky and glistening with many shades.

These precious gems seem to carry a one-of-a-kind energy. Grace and glamor, pearls carry a luminous water energy and a sense of harmony.

It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. 

Pearl symbolises purity and  “stone of sincerity”. 

Pearls are a gemstone of inner wisdom. They have huge healing energy and as they carry the lucid movement of water within them, they are all about inviting you to find your own balance and flow.

these sweet little gemstones with all the power and grace of divine feminine energy