"Embrace the Mystical Journey: Setting Intentio...
Unveil Your Dreams and raft Your Intentions with Positive Vibes & Rituals. In the realm of SoftDream's jewelry collection, elegance converges with individuality. Our pieces stand as symbols of empowerment, embracing the...
"Embrace the Mystical Journey: Setting Intentio...
Unveil Your Dreams and raft Your Intentions with Positive Vibes & Rituals. In the realm of SoftDream's jewelry collection, elegance converges with individuality. Our pieces stand as symbols of empowerment, embracing the...
Crafting Timeless Beauty: SoftDream by LauraGal...
In today's fast-paced world, where fashion trends change as quickly as the seasons, it's refreshing to find a brand that treasures the essence of timeless beauty. SoftDream by LauraGalasso...
Crafting Timeless Beauty: SoftDream by LauraGal...
In today's fast-paced world, where fashion trends change as quickly as the seasons, it's refreshing to find a brand that treasures the essence of timeless beauty. SoftDream by LauraGalasso...
Embracing the Healing Power of Summer Gems and ...
As summer arrives with its vibrant energy and sun-drenched days, it's the perfect time to explore the healing properties of gemstones and crystals. These remarkable treasures of the Earth...
Embracing the Healing Power of Summer Gems and ...
As summer arrives with its vibrant energy and sun-drenched days, it's the perfect time to explore the healing properties of gemstones and crystals. These remarkable treasures of the Earth...
Unleashing the Power of Crystals and Gems: Boos...
Crystals and Gems to boost self- esteem In a world where self-esteem can often be tested, it's essential to find ways to uplift and empower ourselves. While there...
Unleashing the Power of Crystals and Gems: Boos...
Crystals and Gems to boost self- esteem In a world where self-esteem can often be tested, it's essential to find ways to uplift and empower ourselves. While there...
花卉植物和珠宝是我特别喜欢投资的东西 我喜欢收集鲜花并将它们晾干,将它们作为一种装饰品放在房子周围。 你应该尝试,每次你把它们放在水中 2/3 天后购买或收到它们作为礼物...... 用绳子或橡皮筋将这束花束放在一起,将它们倒置在房子的一个角落,等待它们变干,准备好后将它们放在房子不同位置的漂亮花瓶中! 检查此链接以获得灵感...... https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/apr/16/dried-flowers-take-centre-stage-in-a-therapist-berlin-home
花卉植物和珠宝是我特别喜欢投资的东西 我喜欢收集鲜花并将它们晾干,将它们作为一种装饰品放在房子周围。 你应该尝试,每次你把它们放在水中 2/3 天后购买或收到它们作为礼物...... 用绳子或橡皮筋将这束花束放在一起,将它们倒置在房子的一个角落,等待它们变干,准备好后将它们放在房子不同位置的漂亮花瓶中! 检查此链接以获得灵感...... https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/apr/16/dried-flowers-take-centre-stage-in-a-therapist-berlin-home
伦敦艺术家 LauraGalasso 的 SoftDream 珠宝魔力
当您想到珠宝时,您可能会想到由廉价材料制成的大批量生产的物品。但对于独立艺术家Laura Gal asso来说,珠宝远不止于此。 _她的手工珠宝作品由贵金属和宝石制成,每一件都是独一无二的个人珍品。 _ _ _ _ 是什么让Laura Gal asso的Soft Dream珠宝如此特别?劳拉将传统工艺与创意风格相结合,融入到每件作品中。 _她认为,每一件首饰都应该充满神秘主义和魔力。 _ _ _ _ _ _她根据其能量和治疗特性来选择每颗宝石,创造出不仅仅是漂亮的装饰品。 _ _ _ _ _ 当然,作为独立艺术家经营一家企业并不容易。 _ _ _由于资源有限,可能很难接触到潜在客户,也很难与大公司竞争。 _但对于劳拉来说,这是值得的。她工作勤奋、充满激情,深知她创作的每一件珠宝都会被其主人珍藏多年。 _...
伦敦艺术家 LauraGalasso 的 SoftDream 珠宝魔力
当您想到珠宝时,您可能会想到由廉价材料制成的大批量生产的物品。但对于独立艺术家Laura Gal asso来说,珠宝远不止于此。 _她的手工珠宝作品由贵金属和宝石制成,每一件都是独一无二的个人珍品。 _ _ _ _ 是什么让Laura Gal asso的Soft Dream珠宝如此特别?劳拉将传统工艺与创意风格相结合,融入到每件作品中。 _她认为,每一件首饰都应该充满神秘主义和魔力。 _ _ _ _ _ _她根据其能量和治疗特性来选择每颗宝石,创造出不仅仅是漂亮的装饰品。 _ _ _ _ _ 当然,作为独立艺术家经营一家企业并不容易。 _ _ _由于资源有限,可能很难接触到潜在客户,也很难与大公司竞争。 _但对于劳拉来说,这是值得的。她工作勤奋、充满激情,深知她创作的每一件珠宝都会被其主人珍藏多年。 _...